B&B Olbia

Trekking Sardegna nuovi percorsi tutti da scoprire nel nostro agriturismo Olbia

By Antonella | No Comments

L’Agriturismo L’Aglientu vi propone suggestivi percorsi per il trekking durante le vostre vacanze in Sardegna. Si tratta di sentieri dal fascino unico, immersi nella macchia mediterranea, a breve distanza dal nostro agriturismo Olbia. Non sarà necessario allontanarvi in auto per fare trekking Sardegna, basterà uno zaino e il pranzo al sacco e un paio di buone scarpe e potrete inoltrarvi nella Sardegna più vera a poche centinaia di metri dal nostro B&B Olbia. Le tue vacanze in Sardegna non sarebbero complete senza una bellissima passeggiata lungo i sentieri aziendali, per scoprire luoghi incontaminati e la bellezza della campagna della Gallura, con i profumi e i colori della macchia mediterranea. Un lungo percorso trekking (1h,30min.) vi porterà nel canyon roccioso dove scorre il fiume Riu Mannu,  e potrete inoltrarvi lungo l’ansa del fiume fino a trovare bellissime spiagge e ampie piscine naturali in cui bagnarvi. Proseguendo fino al guado del fiume potrete allungare il percorso trekking fino ad arrivare ad Azzanidò o in alternativa a Biasì. Lungo il percorso trekking l’Aglientu potrete imbattervi in numerosi esemplari di animali selvatici, come queste bellissime specie tartarughe Sardegna, la famosa “Testudo Marginata sarda”. Se desiderate recarvi in passeggiata chiedete informazioni all’Agriturismo L’Aglientu, vi consegneremo la mappa di questo bellissimo percorso trekking.

Antonella Bonacossa – Agriturismo in Sardegna B&B Olbia

Trekking Sardinia discover new pathways close to our B&B Olbia

By Antonella | No Comments

Agriturismo L’Aglientu offers beautiful trekking paths during your holidays in Sardinia. The paths of unique charm, surrounded by Mediterranean vegetation, a short distance from our farm Olbia. You will not need to get away by car for trekking Sardinia, just a backpack and a packed lunch and a pair of good shoes and retreat further into the real Sardinia a few hundred meters from our B & B Olbia. Your holidays in Sardinia would not be complete without a beautiful walk along the paths of the farm, to discover wild places and the beauty of the Gallura countryside, with the scents and colors of the Mediterranean. A long trek (1hr, 30min.) Takes you to the rocky canyon where the river Riu Mannu, and you could also explore along the bend of the river until you find beautiful beaches and extensive natural ponds in which have a little swim. Going up to the ford of the river you can extend the trekking path until you get to Azzanidò or alternatively to Biasi. Along the way, you can come across some wild animals, like this beautiful species turtles Sardinia, the famous “Testudo Marginata Sarda.” If you want to go for a walk ask Agriturismo L’Aglientu, we will give you a map of this beautiful trekking route.

Text by Antonella Bonacossa – Agriturismo in Sardegna B&B Olbia

Special offer Sardinia holidays 2013 May at the beach

By Antonella | No Comments

We want you to enjoy the extraordinary beauty of our land, so we decided to offer you the opportunity to visit it during the most beautiful season to stay in Agriturismo Olbia: in the late spring. This is the best time to see the colors and scents of Sardinia, and the magnificent scenery of Gallura, with its turquoise bays and white sandy beaches, but also our beautiful city of Olbia, with its monuments and nice surroundings. There is an extraordinary “special offer May in Sardinia” for you, which will allow you to book our B & B Olbia with a 10% discount on the list for a minimum stay of 2 nights. Book in time our  B&B Olbia, this offer is valid for the entire month of May only if you book starting from now until April 15th, 2013.

What you can visit nearby? Here you will find a short selection of the most interesting places to see in the area of Olbia.